Advanced IT

Essential Elements of an IT Strategy: What to Include for Success

Key Components of an IT Strategy

Every company depends on Information Technology, which refers to the use of relevant and effective technological tools within the system of operation. However, IT includes more than the installation and maintenance of hardware and software. It also involves alignment of IT vision and objectives to overall business strategies and organisational culture, a strategic plan is also required. The IT strategy is the high-level approach employed by the IT department to provide maximum benefit to the corporation’s stakeholders.

An IT strategy is not a one-time document but rather a continuous process. This is a continuous process that undergoes changes with the changing needs of the business and the IT environment. However, in order to maintain proper business and IT alignment, the IT strategy needs to be reviewed and changed from time to time based on business as well as IT situation.

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What is an IT Strategy Process

A sound process is the first key component of an IT strategy. The process should include the following steps:

Assessing the current state of IT: It involves assessing the current IT infrastructure, systems, and processes to recognize both strength and weakness points and potential improvement opportunities.

Defining the IT vision and goals: This step will entail defining specific and measurable goals for IT, which should be coherent with the company’s strategic plan.

Analyzing the business needs and priorities: For the development of a strategy on information technology, it is necessary to understand what is required by the business for such a strategy.

Developing a roadmap: This entails developing a step-by-step plan that specifies the measures, projects, and actions necessary to implement the IT vision and objectives.

Implementing and monitoring the strategy: After developing the strategy, it then entails an implementation and monitoring part to ensure that it is working and driving value for the business.

IT Strategy Framework

A framework offers a structure and set of directions to help in designing and applying an IT plan. This aspect of the process assists in ensuring all elements are present and in line with the enterprise’s general mission. One of the frequently applied models is the ITIL, or the information technology infrastructure library which is a set of good practices of IT service management.

IT Strategy Approaches

The way to develop an IT strategy varies and is selected based on the unique needs and context of an organization. Some common approaches include:

Top-down approach: In this approach, the IT strategy has to dovetail with the business strategy. It begins by establishing the business’s goals and then specifying the IT initiatives and projects necessary to achieve them.

Bottom-up approach: This entails seeking information and opinions from IT staff members and relevant stakeholders so as to establish IT requirements and concerns. After acquiring the necessary information, it uses the same as input when formulating the IT strategy.

Hybrid approach: This is a mix of the two approaches, down-bottom and up-bottom. This is a business-oriented process, which encompasses contributions by business as well as IT stakeholders.

Why is IT Strategy Essential?

Many managers and business owners find a strategic IT plan useful. By developing an IT strategy, the manager gets time to reflect on where they are at this moment, where they would like to be headed, as well as the way through which they will achieve their desired goals.

In this aspect, since many business owners fail to come up with a formulated IT plan on how best it should be developed, there are some components that are crucial to formulating the plan.

Essential Elements of an IT Strategy

An IT strategy would be determined by factors such as the size of an organization or its type of business operations. Nevertheless, there are certain standard things that should feature in any IT strategy. These are:

IT vision and mission: This encompasses IT strategy, purpose, and direction towards achieving organizational goals, as well as alignment with business vision and mission. Secondly, it outlines the central values and ethics governing how the IT team operates and conducts itself.

IT goals and objectives: This describes the objectives or specific measurable results which are planned for a specified period by the IT team. This also ensures that the IT goals and objectives match the organizational goals and the IT vision and mission.

IT SWOT analysis: The strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats of IT function and IT environment are analyzed in this dimension. It also points out the gaps that need to be bridged, strengths that require further improvement, or an improvement that should be sustained.

IT initiatives and projects: This is the main activity which the IT team must carry out so as to meet the targeted IT goals and objectives. Secondly, it prioritizes and places the IT initiatives and projects in order of urgency, importance, and implementation.

IT resources and budget: This component stipulates the human, financial, and actual assets that the IT department requires to enact the IT initiatives and programs. Further, it sets aside an IT budget and supervises that the IT costs are aligned with the IT budget and the business budget.

IT governance and policies: This comprises role expectations and duties associated with both the IT team and the IT stakeholders. It also develops the governing policies, standards and guidelines for ensuring appropriate IT operations with regard to service quality, security, and conformity.

IT performance and improvement: This consists of metrics and KPIs that are used to measure how we are performing with IT. The document also specifies the methods of providing feedback and review through which the IT department shall undertake monitoring, analyzing as well and improving the delivered IT services and solutions.


Without an effective IT strategy, an IT team has no means to add value to their organisation and its various stakeholders. The main things in an IT strategy are its vision and mission, the objectives and goals, the SWOT analysis of IT resources, the project and initiative list, the resource section including budgets, policies for governance, and finally improvement and performance strategies. Following a formal and planned IT strategy process will help the IT team develop and execute a successful IT strategy which is aligned to the corporate strategy and assists in achieving business objectives.

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