How to Protect IOT Devices From Hackers

In this era, characterized by automation, artificial intelligence (AI), and the Internet of Things (IoT), numerous enterprises have revolutionized their operational approaches and stand prepared to embrace the digital transformation wave. Some were compelled to embrace digitalization due to the COVID-19 pandemic, which mandated remote work. This shift significantly paved the way for the widespread adoption of IoT devices.

IoT gadgets have enhanced our lives, rendering them more convenient and efficient. While numerous IoT devices have found their niche in our daily routines, it remains critically important to grasp the security perils and the potential for cyber threats.

To be frank, IoT devices generally lack robust built-in security measures, rendering them susceptible to hacker exploitation. The interconnectivity of most IoT devices poses a security risk, as compromising one device can jeopardize the security of multiple others. Therefore, it’s crucial to consider cyber security services in Chicago or any other location when familiarizing yourself with essential IoT device security precautions. The industrial IoT (IIoT) market achieved a valuation of $115 billion in 2016 and is projected to reach $197 billion by 2023, with a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 7.5% from 2017 to 2023.

The Fundamentals: Safeguarding IoT Devices

Frequently, cyberattacks exploit the most vulnerable element within a network’s security framework. Instances of staff unable to discern phishing attempts often stand as primary culprits behind cybersecurity breaches. Devices with inadequate security measures can present a substantial threat, particularly those retaining the manufacturer’s default password.

Fortunately, an extensive grasp of security concepts is not requisite to shield your IoT devices. A few uncomplicated best practices can yield significant protective results.

Modify Default Passwords and Configurations

When configuring a fresh IoT device, it’s advisable to deactivate any unnecessary access and connectivity features. A range of connectivity attributes may prove advantageous under specific circumstances but could potentially pose security hazards in others. Additionally, devices typically ship with minimal security provisions and feeble default passwords. These vulnerabilities must be addressed to fortify the security of your possessed IoT devices.

For instance, a multitude of IoT devices will routinely seek automatic connections with other devices and nearby networks as their default setting. While this may streamline the establishment of a smart office or home network, it concurrently introduces a substantial security vulnerability. Hackers and unauthorized individuals could readily infiltrate the network via an inadequately secured IoT device. The converse is also true: an inadequately secured network invites unwarranted access to your data and devices.

Choose the Vendor Emphasizing Security

When considering the purchase of IoT devices for your home or business, it’s crucial to select a vendor with a strong focus on cybersecurity.

If a company fails to prioritize security, there’s a high likelihood that the devices they supply will exhibit security vulnerabilities that may go unaddressed in future updates. This situation can leave both the devices and their users exposed to potential attacks.

Embrace the Zero Trust Security Model

In a conventional security model, verification and authentication of a device and user occur only once when they initially attempt to connect to the network. However, in the zero-trust security model, every IoT device and user undergoes verification and authentication each time they seek to establish a connection with an IoT network. This approach guarantees the identity of each participant and the authenticity of every device involved.

Maintain Your Software and Firmware Up-to-Date

Keeping your firmware and software up-to-date offers protection through the latest security enhancements and diminishes the likelihood of cyberattacks. This practice allows you to rectify vulnerabilities and potential exploits as they surface, thereby fortifying the security of your IoT devices. If feasible, activate the option for automatic update checks.

The majority of IoT manufacturers issue regular updates, or you can visit their website to verify the availability of new updates and security patches. Since IoT devices lack an additional layer of defense, regular updates are indispensable for safeguarding their security. Regular software updates for IoT devices ensure that the device incorporates the most current anti-malware and antivirus safeguards. Furthermore, it assists in eliminating security flaws present in older software iterations. Given that hackers persistently refine their strategies to compromise your privacy, it is advisable to maintain your software updated and be prepared for potential external threats.


Prioritizing SSPM implementation should be a foremost consideration for organizations aiming to uphold robust security and compliance while elevating data security. The ultimate goal is to alleviate all potential risks associated with SaaS applications, ranging from configuration errors to permissions that grant unauthorized users access to restricted areas.

Contact us today to learn how Advanced IT can bolster your security posture and protect your valuable data.


Here, how can you secure an IoT Device:

  • Change default passwords.
  • Regularly update firmware and software.
  • Enable network encryption.
  • Disable unnecessary features.
  • Implement firewall protection.

Hackers hack IoT devices by the following means:

  • Exploiting Default Credentials
  • Vulnerability Exploitation
  • Malware Injection
  • Denial of Service Attacks
  • Man-in-the-Middle Attacks

IoT devices are not immune to hackers. While security measures can be implemented to mitigate risks, the evolving nature of cyber threats means that no device can be considered completely immune. Continuous vigilance and proactive security measures are essential to safeguard IoT devices against potential breaches.

IoT can be vulnerable to hacking due to weak security measures, default passwords, and a lack of consistent updates, making it easier for attackers to exploit these weaknesses.

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